Company name |
Registered number |
Registered office address |
Trading Address |
VAT Number |
OPEN Health Communications LLP |
OC360224 |
PO BOX 70693 62 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1P 9ZP |
The Weighbridge Brewery Courtyard, High Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL72FF |
GB238822251 |
LEC, OPEN Access, OPEN Access Consulting (OAC), OPEN Plan, Engage, Succinct West, Succinct London, Succinct North, Earthworks Insights
Company name |
Registered number |
Registered office address |
Trading Address |
VAT Number |
Accretio Limited |
09280023 |
PO BOX 70693 62 Buckingham Gate, London, United Kingdom, SW1P 9ZP |
The Weighbridge Brewery Courtyard, High Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL72FF |
GB238822251 |
OH Investors Limited |
10856731 |
PO Box 70693, 62 Buckingham Gate, London, United Kingdom, SW1P 9ZP |
The Weighbridge Brewery Courtyard, High Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL72FF |
GB238822251 |
pH Associates Limited |
03832368 |
PO BOX 70693 62 Buckingham Gate, London, United Kingdom, SW1P 9ZP |
The Weighbridge Brewery Courtyard, High Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL72FF |
GB238822251 |
Earthworks Digital Limited |
07916761 |
PO BOX 70693 62 Buckingham Gate, London, United Kingdom, SW1P 9ZP |
The Weighbridge Brewery Courtyard, High Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL72FF |
GB238822251 |
LEC Communications Limited |
03140767 |
PO BOX 70693 62 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1P 9ZP |
The Weighbridge Brewery Courtyard, High Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL72FF |
GB238822251 |
OPEN LEC Limited |
02779179 |
PO BOX 70693 62 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1P 9ZP |
The Weighbridge Brewery Courtyard, High Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL72FF |
GB238822251 |
Reynolds Mackenzie Limited |
05249856 |
PO BOX 70693 62 Buckingham Gate, London, United Kingdom, SW1P 9ZP |
The Weighbridge Brewery Courtyard, High Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL72FF |
GB238822251 |
Succinct Communications Limited |
03849470 |
PO BOX 70693 62 Buckingham Gate, London, United Kingdom, SW1P 9ZP |
The Weighbridge Brewery Courtyard, High Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL72FF |
GB238822251 |
Choice Healthcare Solutions Limited | 04072985 | PO BOX 70693 62 Buckingham Gate, London, United Kingdom, SW1P 9ZP | The Weighbridge Brewery Courtyard, High Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL72FF | GB238822251 |
OPEN Health Communications FZ-LLC (OPEN Dubai) | 20720 | PO BOX 70693 62 Buckingham Gate, London, United Kingdom, SW1P 9ZP | The Weighbridge Brewery Courtyard, High Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL72FF | GB238822251 |
Liberum Independent Medical Education Limited | 10276499 | PO BOX 70693 62 Buckingham Gate, London, United Kingdom, SW1P 9ZP | The Weighbridge Brewery Courtyard, High Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL72FF | GB238822251 |
Harvey Walsh Limited | 04575510 | PO BOX 70693 62 Buckingham Gate, London, United Kingdom, SW1P 9ZP | The Weighbridge Brewery Courtyard, High Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL72FF | GB238822251 |
OHC US Holdings Limited | 09910114 | PO BOX 70693 62 Buckingham Gate, London, United Kingdom, SW1P 9ZP | The Weighbridge Brewery Courtyard, High Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL72FF | GB238822251 |
OPEN Health Inc | 5936456 | 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington, DE | The Weighbridge Brewery Courtyard, High Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL72FF | GB238822251 |
Choice Healthcare Solutions US Inc | 4679116 | 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington, DE | The Weighbridge Brewery Courtyard, High Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL72FF | GB238822251 |
Choice Healthcare Solutions US Inc is a company registered in Delaware.
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Harvey Walsh receives health data under licence from NHS Digital. NHS Digital has a record of all hospital admissions and outcomes, the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) dataset. This data is provided to us every month. The data we use is pseudonymised and non-identifiable, meaning that individuals cannot be identified from the data. These data are processed solely for the purposes of understanding and improving outcomes for patients, and the provision of healthcare, on behalf of the NHS and the medical device and pharmaceutical industries. We never give direct access to unprocessed HES data; rather we aggregate data at an organisational level, and then provide insights and build analytical tools. The data is held securely at a location that conforms to both ISO27001 and NHS Information Governance Toolkit standards, and is destroyed appropriately when required.